Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Does the Press Pick Our Presidents-Helium
Yesby Julia WisdomPrint
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A A A The media definitely must be bought off by anyone who hopes to win the presidency. But, the way it works is more like the media picks a candidate that promises to uphold their special interests and donates to the candidates campaign. This was recently the case with Hillary Clinton. Rupert Murdoch probably most famously known as the owner of Fox News invested in Hillary Clinton, normally Ruppy puts his money on conservatives, so this should tell people that Hillary is not a liberal or a conservative to American politics, she's willing to see that the New World Order is put into play. Because Mr. Murdochs money is on Hillary, I'd bet a paycheck that she WILL be our next president. Rupert Murdoch owns more of everything that we are permitted to read, view, and listen to. He's huge, not that the other four CEO's who decide what we know aren't, but Rupert Murdoch owns the most.
Let's look at what George W. Bush's presidency has done for these media moguls. General Electric not only owns NBC and a number of sister companies but it is also a defense contractor. Think NBC was pro-Bush or covered up for the Bush administration on September 11th because they liked Bush the man? No. It's not that simple. General Electric the media was making sure that General Electric the Defense Contractor was going to be raking in the big bucks for all of them. Rupert Murdoch owns more media than he should because Bush bent the rules using Michael Powell (Colin Powell's kid) as the FCC head. Plus Rupert Murdoch belongs to pro-Israel lobby groups and Israel is very happy about Americas troops being in Iraq. And what CEO has his goals set on just national these days, its all about international. Globalization, big economy, ruling the world, Bush is a dream for any big corporation who wants to be tbe world leader of the product it supplies.
Plus the media is the government's mouthpiece. Hillary Clinton's campaign started in the late 90's with the Monica Lewinsky scandal. That wasn't to expose Clinton as a liar, it was to promote Hillary as a strong woman who could handle what most wives could not. It was also the tool the media used to divide the Clinton's into just Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton two separate and independent strong leaders who don't need each other but just happen to be married. Think about it, would you elect or even think about electing any other first lady? No. Because of who they are married too.
So, yes, the press, the media and the government are like an anaconda orgy and they do manipulate the public to get their way.
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A A A The media definitely must be bought off by anyone who hopes to win the presidency. But, the way it works is more like the media picks a candidate that promises to uphold their special interests and donates to the candidates campaign. This was recently the case with Hillary Clinton. Rupert Murdoch probably most famously known as the owner of Fox News invested in Hillary Clinton, normally Ruppy puts his money on conservatives, so this should tell people that Hillary is not a liberal or a conservative to American politics, she's willing to see that the New World Order is put into play. Because Mr. Murdochs money is on Hillary, I'd bet a paycheck that she WILL be our next president. Rupert Murdoch owns more of everything that we are permitted to read, view, and listen to. He's huge, not that the other four CEO's who decide what we know aren't, but Rupert Murdoch owns the most.
Let's look at what George W. Bush's presidency has done for these media moguls. General Electric not only owns NBC and a number of sister companies but it is also a defense contractor. Think NBC was pro-Bush or covered up for the Bush administration on September 11th because they liked Bush the man? No. It's not that simple. General Electric the media was making sure that General Electric the Defense Contractor was going to be raking in the big bucks for all of them. Rupert Murdoch owns more media than he should because Bush bent the rules using Michael Powell (Colin Powell's kid) as the FCC head. Plus Rupert Murdoch belongs to pro-Israel lobby groups and Israel is very happy about Americas troops being in Iraq. And what CEO has his goals set on just national these days, its all about international. Globalization, big economy, ruling the world, Bush is a dream for any big corporation who wants to be tbe world leader of the product it supplies.
Plus the media is the government's mouthpiece. Hillary Clinton's campaign started in the late 90's with the Monica Lewinsky scandal. That wasn't to expose Clinton as a liar, it was to promote Hillary as a strong woman who could handle what most wives could not. It was also the tool the media used to divide the Clinton's into just Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton two separate and independent strong leaders who don't need each other but just happen to be married. Think about it, would you elect or even think about electing any other first lady? No. Because of who they are married too.
So, yes, the press, the media and the government are like an anaconda orgy and they do manipulate the public to get their way.
Friday, June 8, 2007
All Americans support a conspiracy theory.
The Theories about 911 (Chapter 6 p.80 by Daniele Ganser)
It is important to stress that all of the theories about 911 are conspiracy theories. A conspiracy theory is a secret agreement between two or more persons to engage in a criminal act. Conspiracies are nothing unusual or new in the field of historical research. Al least since the assassination of Julius Ceaser in classical Rome more than 2,000 years ago, conspiracies have been the element of the political fight for influence and power. As 9/11 was a criminal act which was definitely not planned and carried out by one single person alone but by at least two or more persons who agreed on the plan before it was implemented, 911 must be classified as a conspiracy. Once we realize that none of the theories can be dismissed on the grounds that it is a "conspiracy theory," the real question becomes: Which conspiracy theory correctly describes the 9/11 conspiracy?
It is important to stress that all of the theories about 911 are conspiracy theories. A conspiracy theory is a secret agreement between two or more persons to engage in a criminal act. Conspiracies are nothing unusual or new in the field of historical research. Al least since the assassination of Julius Ceaser in classical Rome more than 2,000 years ago, conspiracies have been the element of the political fight for influence and power. As 9/11 was a criminal act which was definitely not planned and carried out by one single person alone but by at least two or more persons who agreed on the plan before it was implemented, 911 must be classified as a conspiracy. Once we realize that none of the theories can be dismissed on the grounds that it is a "conspiracy theory," the real question becomes: Which conspiracy theory correctly describes the 9/11 conspiracy?
Monday, June 4, 2007
Quote from 911 and the American Empire
"I believe that no discovery of fact, however trivial, can be wholley useless to the race, and that no trumpeting of falsehood, however virtuous in intent, can be anything but vicious...I believe in complete freedom of thought and speech alike for the humblest man and the mightiest, and in utmost freedom of conduct that is consistent with living in an organized society. I believe in capacity of man to conquer his world, and find out what it is made of, and how it is run. I believe in the reality of progress.
But the whole thing may be put very simply. I believe it is better to tell the truth than to lie. I believe it is better to be free than a slave. And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant."
H.L. Mencken
H. L. Mencken, was a twentieth-century journalist, satirist, social critic, cynic, and freethinker, known as the "Sage of Baltimore." He is often regarded as one of the most influential American writers of the early 20th century.
But the whole thing may be put very simply. I believe it is better to tell the truth than to lie. I believe it is better to be free than a slave. And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant."
H.L. Mencken
H. L. Mencken, was a twentieth-century journalist, satirist, social critic, cynic, and freethinker, known as the "Sage of Baltimore." He is often regarded as one of the most influential American writers of the early 20th century.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Rosie O'Donnell versus Elisabeth Hasselbeck:
Who is right?
I never watched The View. I had no idea why the media was making such a tadoo about the Donald vs. Rosie war, nor did I care. Until recently I couldn't stand either Donald Trump or Rosie O'Donnell. Why? Donald Trump is disgusting and annoying, his entire persona rubs me wrong and I'm entitled to feel that way. Rosie O'Donnell lost my respect back when she was on NBC pretending to be straight with a massive crush on Tom Cruise. It made me mad that Rosie was willing to insult my intelligence to appease NBC. Ever since I've avoided anything that her name was associated with, including The View.
It was quite by accident that I happened upon a clip of her being hassled by Hasselbeck for pointing out that if Americans wanted the truth, they better look past the monopolized American media, and that the truth was the government attacked itself as an excuse to wage wars on oil rich countries (not her exact words but the gust of what she said). It's my opinion that Rosie committed career suicide that day, and because of that she has gained back all my respect for the Tom Cruise caper.
Any American who would sacrifice what she sacrificed that day is a patriot in my book. Rosie may have a sharp tongue and a quick wit that a lot of people don't appreciate but she cares about each and everyone of us more than she cares about being on The View. She gave Americans two important facts that could save their lives that day; #1. 911 was an inside job. #2. The media is monopolized by a handful of CEO's who may or may not share the same goals which means you can't trust the news as a source for facts! Rosie has been asked to leave the View or she was forced to resign too by the way, her last appearance will be sometime in June.
It's my opinion that Elisabeth Hasselbeck represents one side of America. The side that refuses to believe the government would lie to, or kill its own people to dominate the globe. She is dangerous and so are the rest of her kind. Because burying our head in the sand will not save our asses. Rosie represents the other side that is appalled at the obviousness of the attacks and the governments involvement and she's willing to express her concern, fear and anger in hopes we can stop it from happening again.
Stumble It!
I never watched The View. I had no idea why the media was making such a tadoo about the Donald vs. Rosie war, nor did I care. Until recently I couldn't stand either Donald Trump or Rosie O'Donnell. Why? Donald Trump is disgusting and annoying, his entire persona rubs me wrong and I'm entitled to feel that way. Rosie O'Donnell lost my respect back when she was on NBC pretending to be straight with a massive crush on Tom Cruise. It made me mad that Rosie was willing to insult my intelligence to appease NBC. Ever since I've avoided anything that her name was associated with, including The View.
It was quite by accident that I happened upon a clip of her being hassled by Hasselbeck for pointing out that if Americans wanted the truth, they better look past the monopolized American media, and that the truth was the government attacked itself as an excuse to wage wars on oil rich countries (not her exact words but the gust of what she said). It's my opinion that Rosie committed career suicide that day, and because of that she has gained back all my respect for the Tom Cruise caper.
Any American who would sacrifice what she sacrificed that day is a patriot in my book. Rosie may have a sharp tongue and a quick wit that a lot of people don't appreciate but she cares about each and everyone of us more than she cares about being on The View. She gave Americans two important facts that could save their lives that day; #1. 911 was an inside job. #2. The media is monopolized by a handful of CEO's who may or may not share the same goals which means you can't trust the news as a source for facts! Rosie has been asked to leave the View or she was forced to resign too by the way, her last appearance will be sometime in June.
It's my opinion that Elisabeth Hasselbeck represents one side of America. The side that refuses to believe the government would lie to, or kill its own people to dominate the globe. She is dangerous and so are the rest of her kind. Because burying our head in the sand will not save our asses. Rosie represents the other side that is appalled at the obviousness of the attacks and the governments involvement and she's willing to express her concern, fear and anger in hopes we can stop it from happening again.
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