I never watched The View. I had no idea why the media was making such a tadoo about the Donald vs. Rosie war, nor did I care. Until recently I couldn't stand either Donald Trump or Rosie O'Donnell. Why? Donald Trump is disgusting and annoying, his entire persona rubs me wrong and I'm entitled to feel that way. Rosie O'Donnell lost my respect back when she was on NBC pretending to be straight with a massive crush on Tom Cruise. It made me mad that Rosie was willing to insult my intelligence to appease NBC. Ever since I've avoided anything that her name was associated with, including The View.
It was quite by accident that I happened upon a clip of her being hassled by Hasselbeck for pointing out that if Americans wanted the truth, they better look past the monopolized American media, and that the truth was the government attacked itself as an excuse to wage wars on oil rich countries (not her exact words but the gust of what she said). It's my opinion that Rosie committed career suicide that day, and because of that she has gained back all my respect for the Tom Cruise caper.
Any American who would sacrifice what she sacrificed that day is a patriot in my book. Rosie may have a sharp tongue and a quick wit that a lot of people don't appreciate but she cares about each and everyone of us more than she cares about being on The View. She gave Americans two important facts that could save their lives that day; #1. 911 was an inside job. #2. The media is monopolized by a handful of CEO's who may or may not share the same goals which means you can't trust the news as a source for facts! Rosie has been asked to leave the View or she was forced to resign too by the way, her last appearance will be sometime in June.
It's my opinion that Elisabeth Hasselbeck represents one side of America. The side that refuses to believe the government would lie to, or kill its own people to dominate the globe. She is dangerous and so are the rest of her kind. Because burying our head in the sand will not save our asses. Rosie represents the other side that is appalled at the obviousness of the attacks and the governments involvement and she's willing to express her concern, fear and anger in hopes we can stop it from happening again.
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