Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ideas for combating voter apathy

view all A A A The idea that comes to mind for combating voter apathy is give us choice. Real choice. The last six years have especially exposed that there is very little difference between Democrats and Republicans in the United States. It's become apparent that its the same as good cop, bad cop. A game played by police to get information they want from suspects or witnesses. It's a manipulatory tactic they use to get convictions on suspects. Our government uses it mainly to get votes especially at election time.

Take Nancy Pelosi for instance and Hillary Clinton while we're at it, two democrats that were both outspoken about what's wrong with Iraq while on the campaign trail, but once they won the voters they both have proven that they share the same goal as the republicans. If they didn't, they'd be doing something to get us out.

More and more people are coming to the realization that the words democrat and republican mean the same thing in actuality and have been used over the years to create an illusion of change, and make us believe we had a choice.

Voter apathy will only continue to get worse if voters are only given two choices. There should be at least a third party that the media cannot taint by not giving it any airtime. Americans who do believe in the two parties are simpling voting for one or the other because they have the money to get recognition. A true democracy would give voters more than two choices because everyone knows there is no such thing as just black and white in government. If Americans were given more choices to take seriously they might turn out and vote on election day.

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